Don’t kiss me on the cheek like a maiden aunt, or
bear hug me within an inch of my life.
Don’t peck me, pat me, pet me
or give me the beer slap
Don’t hold me at arms length,
or slobber in my ear.
And please,
don’t rub me like a magic lamp
or knead me like dough
Can you learn not to chew me like a toffee,
or lick me like the dog?
do as you would be done by.
The returns will be worth it.
I am not your mother.
Don’t turn from me
Don't negate my passion
I am am unbreakable china, so
kiss me like a lover.
Kiss me like you mean it.
Kiss me to my soul.
Honour my lips
I am worth learning
First verse had me cringing. Bleurgh!
Lucky those last few lines told 'em what you DO want ...
Been chewed like a toffee then, Debi? Heh.
You gotta just hate it when you get chewed like a toffee... and wet ears just ain't no fun!
There really ought to be some kind of kissing school.
You could have a diploma in snogging, or somesuch....
Got Milk?
On my bended knee
Before the learning tree
No tongue to frozen pole
This kindling for the human soul
I have indeed, Leslie, and plenty of it - why?
A poem begins in delight and ends in wisdom - Frost
Thanks, Yodood.
i think kissing school is a GRAND idea - i'd love to be a teacher ...! are there exams we must pass? certifications ?? how do we get evaluated ??
my mulish kick: the opening act should be, well ... the opening act - not a 1.2 minute advert on the 'telly'
glad you like the beach wear .... bare hoof is actually the best thing - just not for wandering the aisles of the market!
That last line is a winner, and all those before it lend zest to its impact. A priceless statement of self-worth as a woman. Now, whispering it to someone's ear an inch away... That'll make knees weak. ;)
That was music to my ears!
Heh, heh, Mule - St Canoodles run by Principal Smooch? Evening classes, of course!
And yes, flippers with heels - what else would you wear on the beach?
Thank you, Ms Unguarded, considering that kissing is far more intimate than sex itself it amazes me that people don't practice more often. I am on a mission now to find an ear to whisper into!!
Oooh, shit, I didn't mean to whisper in yours, Elaine!
Love the imagry...
Love your candidness...
Relationships are bittersweet most times.
One can always be candid when one is on the outside, Petra. This was a chance comment by a friend who was moaning about being improperly kissed (as opposed to improper kissing, I suppose!). Although I have had experience of crap kissing!
How cool, I made it to the inner sanctum.
Now I'm thinking about kissing when I ought to be taking the steel wool to the stew pot.
Fuck the stew pot.
Bring on some lips!
JF - you want to kiss Hendrix, Stewart, Choo? Make up yer mind.
BTW - only special people make it into the Inner Sanctum, you are among some very classy, non-pot-scubbing, kissers of distinction!
Minx, you are a true Romantic. I guess a little respect goes a long ways.
I'm a good kisser. Used to practice with my best friend Greg.
But that was long ago...
Are we air kissing, John G, or are you trying to scare me. I'm out of practice!
It's best to practice with someone you know, Bullets. Kissing random strangers can get you arrested.
Don't spill yer soup, Jon.
Whoa! That is just awesome.
Oh, BTW, I liked your "Just Lily" story, too. Only it came at a bad time.
Thanks, HM, sorry it came at the wrong time.
hmm....must check my passion meter, seems to be very low. You can not imagine how long it took me to see the forms in the photo. It was just pretty smears for the longest time.
I myself only kiss passionately in my dreams.
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