Last year, Maht, at
Moon Topples, did a lovely project called Phoctober (Photo's in October). He doesn't really deserve anyone to join in because he keeps going awol but I am (usually) a nice person (see below). Click on the link for details.
Anyway, here's my first effort....
.(Can you tell which way up this one is?)
I thought it might be fun to follow it up with a Phoctober Photo Diary only the trouble is my (as we like to say on that irritating social Facebook thingy) ...
My mood is - 'pissed right off'....
Interesting photos, but the bohemian chick is the best!
I hope you get better soon.
Its not Mad Cow, is it?
Hi Minxy!
Who is the lovely reflected in yon watery lightworld? Methinks she does take a Phabulous Photo.
The Jannie
Axe murdering bohemian chick, Petra? there's a nasty glint in my eye that even I don't like!
I'm afraid it is, Bullets, contagious and transmitted via the blog.
Jannie, the 'lovely' is my besty friend Jobag Smallpiece, we spent the afternoon sitting by the pond and talking about sex, or the lack of it. Great Sunday afternoon!
Minxy I love this look, I think this is your natural style, I love the vamp too, but this is really you.
Then, those photos I think they are fantastic and very beautiful.
YIKES! Remind me not to get on your bad side!
Your Phoctober pics are great! I love lily pads.
Yeah, nearly all me, Wordcrafter, I can vamp it up but mostly I'm a bit of a secondhand Rose!
Heh, Roberta, I am nice really!
hahaha, Minx! Am wearing my rose-tinted glasses today. ;)
Ace pics! Mine always come out smudgy and jam-stained. Hmmm hope you cheers up soon, Minxy!
I am hoping for a rose tinted world tomorrow, Petra.
Jon, I wasn't unhappy, just narked. You see, it was like this - that nice skirt I fancied was too big, the boss was being a a twat, the Feckers had left dishes in the sink for you know who, the cat was sick on the kitchen floor, it's raining (again) and the bathroom tap is leaking (again). Small things that led to a very moody Minx!
You looked at the camera like my mom looked at me many, many, many, many times.
Shrinking in the corner. (But remembering that everyday I look more like my mom than I would like too....and yes, I can GIVE that look I so dreaded.)
My dad used to raise an eyebrow, Roberta, it was enough!
My mum had a sniff that spoke volumes.
Lovely pix and xxx to Jobag and you.
Heh, I can almost hear it, Debi.
Jobag sends love back and asks when are you going to attend another Gin Club meeting.
Debi says she's coming right now and wants to know if J is related to Jobag Mounty-fury.
Wow, those pond picturs are amazing. I have never actually seen a real lily pad outside of cartoons. They really do look like that! Those greens absolutely bound off the screen.
Very silly, Debi, you are thinking of Jobag Seabaggage Mont Le Furry, cousin to Tara Flara Pompkinson.
The do exist, Hoodie, really. The late afternoon sunlight was great and pimped up me pics.
Lovely pixies, Minx! Hope you are no longer snarling at the world - you is scary when you gets like that!
The colours in those photos are marvellous and good to see you peering out too..
Now I shall CERTAINLY recognise you next time in C'wall!
Less snarly today, thank you, Vanilli. Tomorrow is another day!
Waving, Jan.
I dint do nuffink, FB, yet.
I would not have believed you about your mood, had you not shown the last photo. (now I'm a believer)
Can I nick the first one for me dashboard photo? I'm feeling lily pad pondy.
A nice skirt that doesn't fit can cause a fit, but the cause being too big is fantastic over the skirt having been too small.
All my good jeans (heck and my bad ones too) are smaller than my body, which makes me mad at me and mad at them.
I can do any mood you want, Taff, I am very versatile.
Wondered if you'd get the connection, but of course you did.
I was indeed referring to Sanity Palmoil-Tomkinsbum-Sickbag-Motheaten-Furball.
Have to feel sorry for double-barrels when they wed double-barrels. Maybe we should put them out of our misery by giving them the contents of our double-barreled shotguns.
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