After establishing that I had very neatly avoided all the targets from last year we got to the bit where I start to look like a rabbit caught in a stewpot.
"Where do you see yourself in five years time?"
I am never prepared. It catches me out every time. Haven't they learned that I have enough trouble remembering to get up for work every day let alone where I should be. I rely on auto-pilot, my inner GPS system to get me there, along with a rather clever system of colour coded knickers that tell me what day it is.
I tell her that there isn't a crystal ball made that can predict what I shall be doing in five years time. I can hardly predict what I shall be having for supper this evening and even that is subject to change at the last minute.
I blame my maths teacher - she was never going to drum predictive skills into my disorganised brain even though she hit me over the head with the book that held the key to my future. Funny how I can organise a bunch of crappy words into a legible sentence but stay resolutely 'in the moment' for anything that requires more than two brain cells being rubbed together.
Anyway, I want to be a ballerina - wonder if she'll pay for the lessons and the pretty dress?

pee ess - Phoctober - "keep off the growing thingies"

and "disorganised but less moody"....

Husband had one of those a few months ago. Question was: "If you were a tree, what kind would you be?"
His response: "A Pussy Willow! (for obvious reasons). He is still employed. I wonder how?
Lovely pictures! Great shot of a smiling Minx. I hope this response made you laugh!
Laughing! I think I would be a weeping willow, Roberta, but tomorrow I could be dogwood.
Interesting horns you have growing from the top of your smiling physiog there, Minxling.
People who know what they will be doing in five years have probably contained themselves in a coffin of curiosity constraining conclusions for five years already.
I had one of those personal developent thingies last week as well. I always demand extra computer training to put them on the defensive...
Looking at the last photo the diet's worked a treat!
Thank you, Debi, so hard to keep ones devilish side completely hidden.
Did I tell you I'm on holiday now? I am. I am. Whoo hoooooooooo!
No coffin for me yet then, Yodood? Whoo hoo again.
If I grew veg, FB, then sticks is probaby what I would produce. Green fingers I have not.
I demanded all sorts of thingies, Muts, I won't get any of them but yes, lets them see you are showing an interest.
Thank you, John G, someone accused(!) me of being too thin the other day - I ripped their ears off with me teeth.
hahaha, Minx! I think you'd make a luscious ballerina! My first thought was what would have been her response to, "I would love to be exactly where you are in five years." :))
They asked one of the women I work with that. Her answer? Retired! (she's 65)
The words 'fairy elephant' spring to mind, Petra. I think I could be dangerous in a pair of pointy ballet shoes.
Retiring sounds so appealing, HI, I've done 27 years in full time employment - surely that is enough for society?
Hey Minx, you're too slim, you'll have to gain a few pounds if you want to be the buxom ballerina. You're both gorgeous.
I like this question. I want to be a rock star. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
My standard answer to that question was always, "in your job" - that usually shuts them up.
Love the pic of you - gorgeously Minxy!
oh geesh! i have one of those how you personally 'developed' this week every friday ....
isn't it enough that on top of it i have to face 120 13year olds each day??
in 5 years? i pray i am sane and still alive.
in 5 years, i want to be living happily with my lover in a cold, damp cottage (so i can continue to complain about how much i hate cold and dampness); eating porridge and toast ... drinking assam tea....somewhere in a lovely english village ....
that's my current dream. wonder if any boss would be willing to donate to the red dirt mule - change the barn, fund ??
Where will I be in five years?
Shot dead, probably.
Nice grin minxy, you got just a real nice grin!
oh. i was taken to task for not mentioning specifically enough about the english lover - and also for the fact that he'd make sure the cottage would at least stay dry.
(though soubriquet insists that I will find something else to complain about .... cheeky reprobate !!)
Hi Minxie
I'd have to commit line managerocide if this question ever entered my sphere. Perhaps that's why no one wants to employ me.
Don't remind me, Signs. Buxom is not in my personal dictionary at the moment - pass the cream cakes!
Eeek, no, Vanilli, I don't want her job and anyway, I'm going to work on an oil rig.
Hee, hee, Mule, are you 'out', are you two transatlantic lovebirds out at last? Thank fuck for that.
By the way there is no english house that doesn't have damp somewhere.
Such an optimist, Bullets. loading the gun now....
Stay umemployable, Pants, much more fun. A salary only allows you to eat!
Minxy you are growing more gorgeous by the day,and what do you want to be when you grow up really? I thought you had reached goddess status by now, how much better can it get?
When I eventually grow up I think I shall marry you, Wordcrafter!
I always keep quiet and try to look harmless whenever people start talking about 5 year plans, there'll be a great leap forward and then things can only get better. There's something a bit worrying if you kind of know what you want to do in 5 years time...and if you said something whimsical like writing...well!
I want to be a philanthropist...
Me too, better on writing than math - way better.
Oh knickers, yeah, I remember those. I used to wear them rebularly until they ended more up me buttocks than not.
I'll stick with the whim, Jon, I am writing fantasy in more ways than one.
Maybe we should be panthropists - Leslie and Jannie, or chocticians?
Yes! An Oenophilian choctician!
Hopefully you will be writing, painting, taking pictures, hugging friends, dancing in red shoes, eating chocolate, reading poetry and having a bit of gin from time to time.
Ahhh the good life.
And, you look fantastic.
Scarlett & Viaggiatore
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