The romantic idea of being holed up in a log cabin until spring comes has always appealed to to me. The trouble is that I don't function terribly well in the winter - the drop in temperature seems to have a detrimental effect on my brain and body (what's new?).
We are never prepared for a cold snap in this part of the world and all through the winter I am haunted by my dad saying - "Have you got your vest on?". No dad, I haven't worn a vest since I was three, I am 45 and you are in the land beyond vests so leave me alone.
I do like winter though. I love to walk on a stormy coastline in the depths of winter and love those days when the sky is lead and the rain is beating against the window. The cosiness of a soppy film, hot chocolate and central heating doesn't have the same appeal on the balmy nights we enjoy in the summer.
Anyway, winter is here. Autumn buggered off fairly early and we are suffering the pre-Christmas doom and gloom of constant drizzle and high winds. I am longing for some snow this year (rare in Cornball) and someone to share a log cabin. Better buy some vests then.
The urge to hibernate is very strong ...
The urge to drink gin is very strong but I am resisting, Debi, and you must do the same!
Here in WhatEVERpeggers, aka WINTERpeg, the coldest wind chill reading ever recorded was −57.1 °C (−70.8 °F), on February 1, 1996.
Now I like the idea of Winter, especially the death of trillions of bacteria, and I always thought that eventually my body would acquiesce and get used to it.
It has not.
I do love the cold, crisp, clean air and the crunchy moonlit walks, but here we are essentially reduced to nocturnal beings because it is dark from 5pm to 9am. That gets to be quite tedious.
This will be my 51st Winter and despite the fact that I no longer ski or play hockey out-of-doors, I will get plenty of exercise shovelling and kvetching about it doesn't change a thing.
It still beats living near volcanos or tsunamic earthquake zones eh?
*zzzzz* wha? what? Did somebody wake me? Is it spring yet? Oh nooooooooo... *zzzzz*
This is because I had 'qauterfu' drinkies last night... so the word verfkashun says.
Brrr, chilly Whineypoig, Mr Tater - I would require two vests!
Babs, don't start....
still relatively warm in the Wilds of BC ---- cats not putting on winter coats --- perhaps we're in for a mild winter.............................or a nasty surprise.
Al Gore spoke at lenght about this! It's global warming! hehehe. Buthead.
My dad is also in the land beyond. Before he went there, he gave me a toffee-coloured jumper to keep me warm. It makes me look like a steamed toffee pudding but I can't get rid of it because it's from him. And (I tell myself) everyone loves a steamed toffee pudding.
I would like some now, as it happens.
Sending sunshine to ya from the Gulf Coast! Close yer eyes...feel it for a second? The sun is bright today.
We only have subtle changes and an occasional temperature dip for a day or two.
I miss living in colder climates where there is an actual difference in the seasons. The snow looks and feels magical and I love stormy days as well. Sending you an extra cyber vest....lol
Get thee to the Tinners Arms at Zennor!
Their soup is yummy.
Lucky lucky Minx!
Could get some snow next week, Minx!
I am running a bath with herbal extracts as usual, and have brewed up some gluhwein - so I expect you about 8ish...
Hi, Hi, Owen (witchcat extraordinaire) is holding out for some designer coat this - he has a long wait.
I think it might be global cooling, Roberta, but the stars look so gorgeous tonight.
You are not alone, FB, plenty of mad people about.
Lilwave, we like to moan about the weather Too hot, too cold, too wet, to much weather generally) but I am glad we have some change to the season. Don't you get bored with your clothes?
I was down that way a while back, Jan. I likes a pint there too (soup of course).
Yippee, hope so, John G. More vests on order....
Muts, you're such a tease with your talk of glue wine, but exactly what herbaceous extracts are we talking about?
(I'll be there about 9ish - I have to comb my toe hair first).
Have a friend who hates every season but winter so that he can go skiing and break a leg or two.
Geesh. Be aware, Minx, you just may get what you wish for. :))
I am wishing for some very thermal vests, Petra.
And here we are sweating it off. From this send of almost hell, winter doesn't sound half bad. Ungrateful Human!!!
I love the heading to this post - really did make me laugh out loud.
I'd love to help you with your vest.
I am almost jealous, Saaleha, it is two degrees below 'no coat and you die' but i have just bought the most amazing new pair of socks. I am in sock heaven!
Pund, you were the king of those kind of of post headings - do some more (please?)
I imagine that Texans wear cowhide vests, Bullets, tell me it isn't true.
Only a Goatroper would use Cowhide to make a vest. Our vests are fine gold, woven by trained Silkworms, garnished with precious stones..
Either that, or Hemp.
Hemp is good.
Fuck, it's cold.
Yes indeedy, outside is swallowed up by white, crunch slippery stuff. And out I must go. Sigh.
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