Somehow I have landed meself with a rather fantastic lion (a lion of Lyon) and he is a very special Shameless Lion who makes up part of a bloggers writing group.
Not content with just giving away his lions, Shameless makes more unreasonable demands. I have to name my lovely lion and write a piece of prose or poetry to go with it - cheek!

So here is Bragi.
In Scandinavian mythology his name means God of eloquence, prose, poetry and song. This was not my first choice of name and I shall always think of him as Steve but I thought you would all laugh and not take me for the very serious person that I am.
I am also not very good at being a member of anything but I will try my valiant best to be a good member because this looks like a good thing to be a member of.
Check out the details HERE and get yourself a lion of your very own.
Now, what the hell am I going to write......
pee ess - I would also welcome any tips on keeping a lion. I am a vegetarian, do you think Steve will adapt?
Minx, you're nuts. NO, don't feed the lion nuts! Try Antelope, and as he's a male lion, HE wont hunt for food, that's your job my pretty little lioness!! LMAO!!
Minx, red beans and noodles have always worked a treat! :) I'm so happy to have you as an adoptive mum ... I know you will take good care of him. I look forward to reading your poem or piece of prose! Now, who else will adopt a lion and become part of this exciting writing circle? Lots of lions in sidebars on our community's blogs is what we want, with good words for each lion. This is THE writing circle to be part of ... good luck and power is guaranteed! :) The cheek!
The cheek indeed. Next he'll be suggesting we get t shirts printed with lions on the front-worse on the back.
Well, I won't do it I tell you...unless the t shirts come in black and the lions in red-no silver...wait the lions should be printed in gold puffy ink!
Worse still, LM, he'll make us write things!
I'm nuts, John G? Think about it!
Shameless, he is already part of the family and being male he will fit in with the other lazy lions in this house. Owen (resident witchcat), has barely acknowledged his presence as yet, so all is cool.
Are you practising editing, Mutley? You seem to have taken your sentence down to the bare bone.
Oh, I see, tofu for the lion. Goddess no, have you tasted that stuff - like over-microwaved scrambled egg.
Tofu is an exciting non meat source of protein -you are not going to get a lion to eat cashew nuts - believe me I have tried and it does not work.
I think Steve is a most apt name for your lion. Bragi is just well, so... human...
I wonder if Shameless will let me have a lion for Novapulse...
BTW - I believe lions like a lot of meat - red meat - so you can't feed Steve chickens! Yipppeeeee!
I would also welcome any tips on keeping a lion. I am a vegetarian, do you think Steve will adapt?
Not unless your children are vegetables. Is this a subtle way of telling us you've returned to the Abrahamic faiths? "And the wolf shall lie down with the lamb" etc.
Glad youliked the little romance Ms Minx *winks* The hardest styleto "get" is JK Rowling - try it and see. It just sounds like taking the piss - but when she does it it sounds serious -despite being crap. I shall post some "Rowling" style paragraphs on Alloted (sic) Span later today...
I have just tried him with nut roast, Muts, I think the marmite has fooled him for now.
A Novalion, Atyllah, how cool - best ask the Lyon tamer?
My children act like vegetables GB, think stuffed marrows and you're somewhere close.
Are they in danger? Should I move Steve from the top of the fridge?
Mutley, have you become a member of 'Pimp my Blog'?
Go and read 'Kafka's Soup' by Mark Crick for lessons in famous writing styles (fab book).
I'm afraid I don't have room for a lion. Although it would be nice to have one stroll around the corner of the house when "that woman" down the street walks her three huge, vicious dogs.
Shit we have to feed them too! Well, keep on telling me what is successful. I've got a major craving for Potato Waffles today! Do you think he'll like that? And totally agree with Tofu, completely inedible stuff.
Get a lion, Roberta. Shameless promises untold wealth - I believe him!
As a veggie, I suppose I am expected to like that disgustin' poofu. I think there is more nutrition in carpet underlay.
Potato waffles sounds good, Verilion and perhaps it will stop Steve from eating the toaster.
At least they are very clean and don't need a litter! Yes, Roberta, why don't you adopt a lion? This will be the circle that ROARS for is members! I'm not sure about tofu though! :)
Alright then. I would like to adopte Lion #8 if you please. Such a majestic creature and he comes with his own map in case he gets lost.
Sorry I am late. I really enjoyed the "Take me, she cried" post. I thought I commented. I meant to comment. Perhaps I just couldn't comment because the talk got a little racy. But I remember giggling. At the post and at the comments.
A lion named Steve. Yeah, yeah, that works.
Oh lovely Roberta, another lion finds a home. BTW they don't like tofu - I tried.
Late for what, GT? I am not a train. Please stop apologising.
Was I/we racy? Oh dear, I thought this was a smut-free zone - heh.
We have two hamsters.... the dog keeps trying to eat them. A conundrum surely?
Then get a lion and that will one meal you don't have to worry about.
Good Thomas, were we naughty? I'm sorry. I can't resist a little romantic humor. I hope I didn't offend.
But at least you giggled. I was howling!
Minx. We must behave.
What is this 'behave'? I don't understand.
Ah, found you finally...i have special attachment with the name Odin, kinda reflects my philosophy behind blogging :)
About calling my lion pops, why not, as long as we are adopting, its good to build relations.
I'm linking to you in my blog, would love to talk about Norse mythology sometime :)
Take care
Hi, would you please pass this note along to Bragi? I invite him to come visit me on my new blog, Literary Lion of Lyon. He would probably recognize me from the blog's title, but tell him Roary sent the invitation. Thanks.
Roary ^..^
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