Friday, January 05, 2007

A fatal flaw

Computers - I can't live with 'em, and I can't live without 'em (now). I will admit, secretly, that I fear those things that I don't understand and I have very little understanding of the machinations of said pooter beyond the keyboard and where to shove me USB stick. Messages like this one below, are just beyond rude, shouting at me in a gruff voice and giving me the willies (well, not literally - but I suppose that will come!).

How nice it would be if they designed a computer that was more, umm, well, more feminine. A gentle voice that guided you through your fatal errors and stopped making you think that you were responsible for the lives of your nearest and dearest, the lives of whole populations and the lives of those who have yet to be born.

Can we not ban these aggressive pop-ups, replacing them with something a little more personal?

So Microsoft, if I get any more of these aggressive messages, please change your tone or I will be sending back some messages of my own!


Anonymous said...

Coooeeee? Coooeeee?

Meloney Lemon said...

Computers may be male but they still seem to have permanent PMT and the souls of fossilized alien bacteria. They can be colleagues but never friends.

Love Meloney

Unknown said...

Coooeee was never my style - more, hell-flippin-o!

Unknown said...

That confirms it. Draconians are running Microsoft! If computers are supposed to be so smart, why don't they just fix the errors and problems themselves? Huh? Instead of getting all shirty about it.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Personally I'm thinking of the Mac option.

Unknown said...

Mac's, coats, jackets - all the same to me!

Unknown said...

Can anyone hear a siren?

Roberta said...

I can. Did it just go past your place too? should we follow it?

Marie said...

I hate to admit it, but I know I couldn't live without my computer and so sometimes I get in a panic when things start to go wrong. I guess I'm a technophobe.

Unknown said...

I don't hate to admit it, Marie. I am a technophobe and proudly so. My knowledge is based on 'need to know' and I realise that I don't really know very much! Well, I figured out Blogger all by meself!

Maybe it's 'Hoooeee' I keep hearing - anyone feeling sick?

Debi said...

Wouldn't that make it poooeeee?

Unknown said...

Now you're just being silly!