I have just read an article in First magazine that says that I can now 'rejoice' that the fashionably emaciated, anorexic size zero is well and truly behind us, and that we can now live on more than a lettuce leaf a week. Well, thank fuck for that, I was getting a little worried that my side view was disappearing altogether!
The magazine shows that 'stars' are actually putting on weight - amazing what happens when you eat more than a couple of lettuce leaves! The 'before' photos look like something that you would cry over if you saw them in the papers. Pictures of skinny, bony women that are bereft of 'lady bumps', or anything that celebrates the feminine.
What the hell is a size zero - just another word for 'fashion victim' which has unfortunately encouraged women to think that the 'cancer' look is in? Apparently, after the death of two six-stone models, the fashion industry has come to its senses (sort of) and decided not to employ any models who have a Body Mass Index of less than 18 - it's a start, I suppose.
I read this article as a woman who is a healthily rounded size10/12, comfortable with the ravages that childbirth, and life, have left behind and I was pleased to see that the article was encouraging women to put on a bit of weight and celebrate their slightly less 'deathbed' looks.
Unfortunately the rest of the magazine highlighted 7 celebrities who were hung up about their bodies, a battle of detox diets, various fitness videos and an 18 year-old who has had her stomach stapled.
I don't know what I weigh, and have even less idea about my BMI, but I do have a handy pair of jeans that tell me when me stomach is hanging over the edge - which seems like a reasonable enough gauge to me!
>>I don't know what I weigh, and have even less idea about my BMI, but I do have a handy pair of jeans that tell me when me stomach is hanging over the edge - which seems like a reasonable enough guage to me! <<
BRAVO! I eat when I'm hungry. If a gain a pound or two I cut back a bit. I have no clue what I weigh, but I'm happy I have clothes that fit and I am not damaging myself for lack of calcium or vitamines.
These girls scare me.
I never weigh myself and I'm a 10/12 too. The best way to keep healthy and slim is to exercise. If I notice that I am putting on a bit of weight I just cut down on chocolate and wine for a while.
You know, for every sensible article (and there have been many over the years) there are a hundred idiot articles which continue to encourage the eating of half a lettuce leaf a day. There has been talk for some time now that designers should use less skinny models, yet coat hangers abound on the catwalks. The example it sets to young kids is horrific. (Minx, I think you've provided the chicken with a fine topic to rant about!)
The article also stated that women diet for other women - not for themselves, or even the men in their lives. How sad.
It would interesting to get some male views on this - do you prefer a buxom wench, or a skeleton that may break at any second?
Well - you know I think every square millimetre of you is gorgeous ...
Your question begs itself. What has always mystified me is why anyone would want to spend any time with someone who was so malnourished that their brain won't function optimally, and for whom any sustained physical effort proves impossible. The New York City Transit Authority has just issued a report stating that their schedules are being seriously affected by women passing out on the station platforms, due to starvation diets. And would anyone really want to sleep in a bed full of hangers? Curiouser and curiouser...
ugh - don't talk to me about diets, when me pore tum is trying to get over its latest bout of IBS...
Gordon Bennett!
The NYCTA are probably more scared of the thinnies being blown off the platform and messing up train schedules. To be honest, their passing out on the station would be no more inconvenient than some of the rubbish that is dropped daily anyway.
Cailleach - don't blame Gordon! Drink up to 2 litres of water a day (not counting tea or coffee), eat 5 small meals - preferably without meat, and try yoga or tai chi as exercise, to aid proper digestion.
Oh my goodness, are they really that thin in the photo? This is increedible. A morning walk for me, without making a fuss, or punishing myself, seems to be working. Not that I'm overweight, but at a certain age one needs to keep an eye on things.
The Chicken has aired her views over on her blog and yet again ruffles her feathers at the insanity of certain sections of the human population.
Thank you, Atyllah. Always good to have a link-up post, and a good one at that!
And yes Shameless, they really are that skinny - yurk. I always thought that the camera 'put on' a few pounds as well - scarey, eh?
Right well I do know how much I weigh and it's a bit of habit to jump on the scales every morning, but I tend to find Fat days do not correspond with extra kilo days. Despite my scientific research I LOVE my food and can't imagine not eating. And yes all that skinnyness means you can pack more, but what's the point if you haven't got the strength to lift your case and you pass out on the metro. Beats me.
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