Friday, July 21, 2006

The last

Sometimes the 'last' of anything is sad. On the whole it is a negative word that we use sadly....Last Days, Last Rights, the Last Biscuit in the tin!

But no, today is a good 'last' because it's my.....

LAST DAY AT WORK!!!!!!!!!!

I have said some goodbyes to kids and their families that have become part of my life for the last two years. The cards and chocolates are nice but the best thing is that they are moving forward, taking a giant step in some cases! These are happy goodbyes said with happy tears, it comes with the job.

Anyway, no more small people for six whole, beautiful, apathetic, slothy, happy, sun soaked, rain soaked, sea filled, gin riddled, brown skinned, lazy, hazy, mazy weeks. I knew I did this job for a reason.



Susan said...

Let the gin-soaked, rain-riddled party begin! Have a good break, Minx - I know you deserve it.

Unknown said...

Break from what?

I am now in summer holiday mode, can't remember what happened before 4pm today and will not remember anything workish until Sept 4th!

Maxine Clarke said...

you lucky b******
(from a slave)

Unknown said...

There's slavery across the river? I'm staying put then!!