
...and several of these.....

Dorcas is off to America - whooo hooo.
From the 31st October ( Samhain), Coven of One will be available in the lovely, lovely, lovely United States of Merka.
At this very moment a copy of the American version is wending its beautiful way down to Cornwall.
Can you believe this all started with a Skint welshman at OPENING CHAPTER just over a year ago?
Jonesy, we've done it!
I am very excited.
I am more than excited.
This will require a night of dancin' about without me drawers on (again)!
Please join me for a virtual drink, here on me blog on the 31st, to wish the purple one a long and happy American career!
Details to follow....
Excellent news, Minxy! :-)
I think Merka is well and truly ready for the spell that Dorcas can cast! :-)
This is truly a wonderful journey. Well done. I have no doubt that your book will take the US witches by storm! :-)
Congratulations Minx!
I'm sure America will enjoy Dorcus' invasion!
Perhaps you will come for a book signing???!!
at last.
I suppose you never know what will tickle the market and when, Shameless, keep yer fingers crossed.
Dorcas on tour, Roberta? That would be fabulous. I would love to come, but she'll have to sell enough for a plane ticket first!
Don't say it too loud, John, people will start to talk and at the very least develop purple fever - one hopes.
I am singing a lot today and I am taking this as a good sign.
Congratulations, Minx - may you enjoy heaps and piles and bundles of success in Merka!
Thanks, Vanilli, I hope you one day get to feel this - it's really good!
YIPPEE! Minx, but I need photos of the dancing!
s'wonderful Minxy. I am very happy and excited for you (but me pants are staying on).
And oh it is so great to hear someone from outside these states actually refer to them as lovely.
How fabulous to have different printings (and perhaps in different languages) of one's book. I saw some writer on TV, who wrote young adult books, and hers had been printed in so many countries and in so many languages, she showed the different variations of book cover pictures, it was fantastic. I thought now theres a dream.
Excellent news Minxy. Count me in for drinks and nibbles. How long did it take you to merkanize the text?
So, in what language will they publish the American version?
Oh, spank me.
Is there any chance of a trip here for book signings? Next Halloween? Surely...
This is too cool. Be proud!
John G, best go here for a snapshot of the dancing....
Minx and the coven
S'marvelous, Taff - drawers on, or off, no matter. Just celebrate with me that Dorcas has swum the Atlantic!
Loretta,it took us ages to insert all the Americanisms - jeez, yee ha's etc!
Essentially though, hardly anything changed, just cleaned and polished and wearing her Sunday best.
That would be Merkan, Leslie, and believe me I am more fluent than I was a year ago! The translation should be seamless!
And yes, believe me when I say I am very, very proud - little old me, all the way to Merka! Who'd have thought.
Well did Mnix! A WHOOOOO and a HOOOO and a yeeeeHaaa (that's Merkan y'know). Brilliant news! Will you have to wear a 10 gallon pointy hat?
Congratulations. - I think that they will love it. Especially in Massachussets. (sp)
I am hoping that they will love me in Oregano, Mitchegun, Illicitnoise as well as Mastershoesets, Meloney.
See I am well versed in the Merkan states already and I am busy (I wrote 'busty' the first time) learning the lingo by watching re-runs of Dallas and Dynasty. Any help will be gratefully received from all you worldly blog types.
You is one cool dude, Minx. Go ahead and roil them in the boondocks, where it hurts.
Y'all have a good day now, you hear.
Y'all come, hya?
Oh blimey! You mean I was supposed to wait 'til 31st to start celebrating? *Hic *
Fantastic fun Ms Minx!! Maybe you could get some mad Evangelicals to complain about it encouraging witchcraft and then you would be famous!! There is no need to thank me for this promotional tip by the way...
I am incredibly happy for you minx. take your pick from any of the cakes. they'll be coming your way...virtually, of course
That's fantastic news, Minx. Congratulations!
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