After a small break from writing (novelwise) I am now writing like a demon into the night. Every time I have a break I go through the same process as I get back to full steam. It is a process of self-flagellation (think mentally here please) as I work my way down a menu of self-doubt, lack of faith and general scoffing that I ever thought I could write in the first place. As I work through the next chapter I gradually allow myself back into Fairyland where the hoover gathers dust and the dishes pile up in the sink.
With one fairytale already published, and five already written, I thought that this process would die a death and I would feel more confident. Hah! Maybe this feeling never goes away and the only thing that I can say with certainty is that I know that I can write 120,000 plus words! Maybe this feeling is the thing that keeps me going, the thing that wakes me up in the middle of the night and drags me to the keyboard before my eyes are open. A pointy stick that keeps me sharp and drives a novel to its eventual conclusion.
So, I'm back, churning out words like a hellcat and once again blogging has become my naughty biscuit. A treat at the end of a chapter, a paragraph (a sentence?) - a fairy cake reward for a fairytale novel that I may never quite believe that I wrote all by myself!
Natural Magick stands at 55,000 words - is my chalice half full, or half empty?
Half full. Half full, easily.
And naughty biscuits are an essential part of a healthy dietary palette.
Naughty biscuits eh? What's in them?
Yes, I'm experiencing this right now. After a short break from my novel I am slowly getting back to 'full steam'.
Most definitely half full Minx. 55,000 words phew. I'm glad that everyone is getting into full steam, hopefully some of it will rub of onto me, maybe I need some naughty biscuits to get me going!
I am up to about that Ms Minx - but mine are all on blogs- it seems a diet of biscuits cannot sustain life...
good work and keep at it. I love the set up of your blog - very saucy and I am a huge Audrey Hepburn fan.
I need a naughty biscuit. Where does one find them?
Naughty biscuits live in the naughty biscuit tin - where else?
I have just realised that my whole life is a series of tasks then rewards. I would probably lie in bed without them!
I have worked really hard at this post so you can leave your donations of chocolate on the step as you leave - thank you.
I am saucy, Lady M? Heh!
It's wonderful that you're back in the thick of it Minxie, however-and this is probably going to garner me a lot 'tsk tsk...poor newbie'; why is it that most writers set themselves a word goal? It must be 120,000 to quote yourself. Doesn't a story just run it's course and end wherever it should? I am not having a go at you, I really am curious to know what the rules are.
Good news, Minx. (My word verification this time: wczSIN - a message? I'm convinced that these aren't quite random.)
Naughty biscuits - so much nicer than scary biscuits ...
And in answer to the question - I don't think the self-doubt ever goes away. Shame ...
BTW - word verification for me is hbumwwip - I really hope that is random, Lee!
LM, Maht at Moon Topples has a good post up at the moment about his writing process. I have always been a little nervous of sharing mine because I know I will come across as a complete nutter and rule breaker extraordinaire. I think it is about time to come clean and share my thoughts. I will attempt to answer your very valid question in my next post (oh shit!).
LM, you may also notice, from the comments from the two awfurs above (Debi and Lee) that being a little 'off kilter' is a requirement of writing novels - beware!
Naughty biscuit anyone?
How great it must be to have a passion for writing that far outweighs self-doubts. And how great a word - or compound word - is pointy-stick?
By the way, I failed when it came to concieving of self-flagellation in the mental sense. But never mind. I took a moment to visualise its application in the usual way. Thank you! Ever so!
Does passion ever outweigh self-doubt completely?
In any creative art the maker is putting out a piece of him/herself. If we did not have passion then we would not want to share it with others and would surely be content to keep the work in the attic and go and admire it once a year.
We, even as adults, thrive on praise, acknowledgement or even just being noticed. And as bloggers we are showing our wares and rushing to look at the latest comment (yes you do).
So my Minx theory is -
passion = creativity = need = naughty biscuit
Had to come by, having seen you about... you're quite intriguing, and I just love Audrey Hepburn.
I am excited for you, writing so diligently, of course the chalice is half full and at this rate, will fill to overflowing quite soon.
I wish for you that upon completion, you find that it is better than you imagined it could be.
PS... in peeking at your favorite music, may I HIGHLY suggest a visit to my page, about halfway down on the right side is a section called "Noteworthy Stops Along the Way" there is a Martini link. Click on that... it is in fact a link to the radio station I cannot live without, they play almost everyone on your list. If you download their MP-Me thing, you will have online music. Excellent online music. I am quite sure you will love it!
I would have come anyway, Scarlett. Anyone who has Vettriano's 'In thoughts of you' as their avatar has got to be worth a gawp!
writing is more like a big sack of cocaine for me.
I'm obviously not a writer then.
Dear Me, I really hope not!
Don, if you write a blog then you are writing - so there! Mutley thinks he's Lord of the rings and so should you.
Love the picture.
Novel writing, huh? Maybe you'd manage more if you blogged it... combine the flagellation with the biscuit :-)
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