St Mawes lies on a funny little spit of land that, along with its sister castle across the bay, used to defend Cornwall from the invading foreign hoards!
It is about 20 miles from where I live but the journey is shortened by taking a ferry across the very deep, deeper than deep River Fal.
A beautiful day only served to enhance this rather expensive boat owners paradise but you can have a nice meal in the Rising Sun pub and the walk up the coast is only disturbed by a sheep that should have reported to the noise abatement council!

Busy water traffic

The coastguard is hiding!

St Mawes harbour

The King Harry Ferry (costs an arm and a leg!!)

The dinky canon protecting the bay

The massive St Mawes castle

Lil bit of beach

Ships waiting for work

The ferry cottage - I want it!!
Looks idyllic. I want the ferry cottage, too!
btw, how much DOES that ferry cost?
The "lil bit of beach" picture made me instantly think of James Joyce. I know it's not even the same country but I swear I saw that scene in my head as I was reading something of his...
The picture with the cannons, well, it made me think of a book I read about Haiti and Port-au-Prince, during the Haitian war for independence.
The king Harry Ferry picture, reminded me of a Murder mystery I saw on TV a long time ago. It was set in England.
St Mawes castle...James Joyce, again.
The ferry cottage...incongruous, the closest visual I come up with is a paintings by that horrible "painter of lite" Thomas Kincaid. His crap would never do that cottage justice.
Bee- the ferry was £7.50 for a return ticket which I thought was extortionate as the river is only a couple of hundred yards wide. They can squeeze on about 30 cars and many more bikes or walkers. It takes a few minutes to get across and it is going from early morning to late at night - you can do the maths!
Rita, I suppose Cornwall is similar in many ways to the southern parts of Ireland (and to Brittany as well).
England is littered with funny little castles - we're a bit feisty and shoot at anything that moves!
The cottage has probably been captured by hundreds of artists - Kinkade should stick to his Disney shite.
Minx, when you move into the ferry cottage, will you do B & B? Book me in please - sea view.
I left a message on the Little Minx blog, just an fyi.
"England is littered with funny little castles - we're a bit feisty and shoot at anything that moves!" Ha Ha! That's pretty darn clever.
You know....I've never seen a real castle. I must visit England some day. A all speak English over there. :)
Signs, the cottage is beautiful but it overlooks the very busy ferry and has those monstrous ships hanging around in the front garden! I'm sure I can find something else, or just hop on a train...I have sea views!
Hi St Bri, going to see what you scribbled now...
Rita, we a fairly drowning in piles of old stone - come on over.
pee ess - you can even understand some of us!!
HI again Minx,
Nice to see you show up and say hi at my place. You're very nice.
If you ever wanna talk about your beliefs, you know where to find me. I'd certainly be interested.
My wife has been to England but I have never been to the Old World at all. My farthest excursion was to southern Brazil once.
The sense of *history* that I get when looking at your pictures there is astonishing. I'd really love to see your country. Over here if a building's a hundred years old it's ancient.... over there a thousand is young. In fact, it's been a long-standing desire of mone to see all of the UK. I'm half Irish by birth meself. The other half being Italian supposedly, although I don't look it at all... (adopted)
I took a short look at your book on Amazon, because I apparently lack a browser that can open up your links to it.
Hey, here's a thought; have you written about your personal beliefs somewhere? If so, drop by and give me a link or something, hopefully one I can open. Or email it to me; my contact email is on my mainpage. Along with my life's philosophy, for that matter.
At 48, and having lived most of my life without the Internet, I find this time amazing, that such as this can happen, a conversation with a stranger across the Atlantic, or anywhere. I think the Interenet is a huge part of our next step in our evolution, at least our social evolution. It's surely a lot of fun. But it seems also to have the potential to solve many problems. The more the world communicates with itself, the more people will come to the realization that everyone's basically the same. It has the potential to allay much xenophobia.
Best to you. Nice to 'meet' you.
St Bri, I started blogging in 2006 and was soon in touch with people all over the globe. It still tickles me that I was google-chatting with Texas last night and the south of France this morning!
I am a bit of a Facebook slut but it is never as personal as me dear old blog!
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