After shooting all over south London on Friday evening to make some important arrangements for February (more on that to follow), Barbara joined Debi and I on Saturday morning and we shot off to Goose Green Eco Fair (not a pair of hemp knickers in sight - boo). Then it was on to Waterstones in Piccadilly for a blogmeetle.

Twelve authors from the Bookarazzi (bloggers with book deals conglomerate) hogged a table in Waterstones for the whole afternoon. My provincial dismay at paying £4.50 for a glass of wine was quickly overcome by the realisation that Waterstones also provided entertainment. Our waiter was the flounciest, loudest tutting drama queen that I have ever met.
The company was fab and new friends were made.
(here we are all having coffee together!)
Barbara was also celebrating her birthday so we ran back to Dulwich for a mini party at Debi's (cake and everything) and then out again to The Canterbury Arms, Brixton to see John Bently, a performance poet in a set called Homemade Jam.

Barbara was also celebrating her birthday so we ran back to Dulwich for a mini party at Debi's (cake and everything) and then out again to The Canterbury Arms, Brixton to see John Bently, a performance poet in a set called Homemade Jam.

(yes, he is 'playing' a false leg)

(his last piece was called 'They're bringing back my era' - I want those boots!)
If you get the chance to meet up with your fellow bloggers, take the leap and do it - it's wonderful. Blogging is really so much more than a daily dose of 'me' life!
Thank you Debi, for putting me up again and making all the arrangements. We made a valiant attempt to wear out London transport but if I see another #40 bus in the next couple of months I am going to scream.
Thank you Debi, for putting me up again and making all the arrangements. We made a valiant attempt to wear out London transport but if I see another #40 bus in the next couple of months I am going to scream.
Looks like you've had a very nice weekend, Minx. Way to go! :-)
You put it so much better than I did... ;)
I remember the absolute joy of meeting my online friends for a "Bash" at an amusement park.
We talked long into the night about writing over tall glasses of wine.
It was amazing! I am so happy you have had that opportunity!
It was fabulous, Vesper, thank you.
I doubt that, you wicked Irish woman!
It is amazing, Roberta, and it looks like we'll all be doing it again very, very soon - yippee!
Heyyyyyyyyy! Great! I was looking forward to an update on how you all got on. :-) Sounds like you had a RIOT. I am so envious. :-)
A lot of bloggers are keen to meet me out of pure curiosity. I have thus far obliged seven of them. If any were disappointed, they were too polite to admit it.
Don't be envious, Seamus, just prepare to buy a ticket - another great event coming up in Feb.
As if you could disappoint, GB!
Looks like you all had a lovely time!
That sounds really great - I like the Home made jam guy - very cool.
Sounds like a great time, glad you enjoyed yourself.
And I take comfort in knowing any odd images my deoderant story may have brought, have been soundly replaced. :)
I doubt that I shall be standing right side up in the northern hemisphere anytime soon, so i shall have to be content with your tales of blogger encounters. Glad you have a goood time.
Burp. Oh excuse me ...
Erewego erewego erewego has morphed into Therewewent therewewent therewewent ...
We did, Marie, we did!
Home made jam guy was cool, Muts, and so was the jam I bought - yummy!
Sorry, Taff, the image of de-odourising the child is still firmly imprinted. By this time next week I may have shaken it off!
Are you sure you couldn't make it north, Noony? Twould be excellent!
I 'therewewented' very slowly. Barbara got home before me! Burp back to you, Debi.
Did I claify that I do not tackle the boy? I merely coerce him into being still. I am not a neat freak, obsessed with his cleanliness (thank goodness or I would have fainted away from horror long ago), it is just that I wish for him not to have the nickname "hoagie boy" at middle school.
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