Gone are the days, in my old job, of struggling with the constaints of the National Constriculum. A constant battle of what I knew was good for children and what I was expected to churn out weekly. No observations, profiles or squeezing in one last task before they go home.
Today is start of Holiday Club and yes, children are in the club because their parents have to work, but do you know how different it is? These children haven't come to work, there will be no expectations of their performance - which leaves us open to have, errr, FUN.
This morning I shall be surpervising the building of a pirate ship, cooking 'me-hearty' biscuits, laying a treasure trail and being face-painted by a bunch of children who are free. Sounds like a holiday to me.

Sounds good to me too!
And I know exactly WHAT you're saying about the National Constriculum, not good for teachers/children alike....but stuff IS changing, very slowly, so fingers crossed .
Have a brilliant Treasure Trail today!
National Curriculum. We had 6 year olds crying on the last day because their hands ached so much from having to 'finish off work before the holidays'.
Enjoy your fun activities - and it's sunny. Even in London.
Meloney, I expect those were the kids with their left hands strapped to their sides - always harder on children who think they're left handed!
Jan, you have no idea how glad i am to have left the Irrational Constaintium behind. My work in my new role is like going back to the bad days of teaching when teachers knew their kids and what was best for them. Now I am allowed that 'F' word every day - ah ha!
Water fight anyone?
As far as I know stuff like Literacy Hr is much reduced, becoming less rigid...
I teach Creative Writing to adults and LOVE it ...more and more I realise the best way to " teach" is actually to " enable" ( ie encourage, be positive etc)...THAT'S the way people learn best ( because enthusiasm is infectious, because they WANT to learn)
I'll shut up now!!
Minx said...
I wish that more people would voice their opinions on the state of education today. Tell me, when, at four years old, it is better to know a cuboid when you haven't got a fucking clue what a square is - never mind, don't worry, just tick the box.
And don't shut up Jan, but you may just want get down on yer knees, cry, scream, claw at a nearby leg, beg for mercy and beat yourself about the head for mentioning the word LITERACY HOUR in my presence!
Grrrrrrrr. Grrrrrrrrr and double grrrrrrr.
An hour, a day, devoted to literacy. Do they not realise that the whole basis of learning is based on an ability to read? We can only get to that stage if interest and motivation is there in the first place. The whole day should be dedicated to literacy, every minute of every hour encouraging a joy and love of words - or at the very least an ability to put a sentence together.
Did you know that the powers that be are now saying that kids will not have to READ a whole book for english any more, they can just learn the odd chapter/passage etc and it will enough for them to pass their exams? I'll just get the knife!
Sorry, lost it there for a minute - yes, nice weather, very sunny....yes.
Good lord Minxie! So much here to explore - so many people to annoy - I shall be back some time next week!
Okay Mut, I'll put it in me diary.
love the shadow play picture. I used to love to do those with my Sunday school kids.
I hope you are enjoying your spring break.
Thanks L>t, and thanks for not mentioning Literacy Hour and starting me off again. Calm now.
I think the best teachers realise this - (what you just ranted about, Minx.) But sadly, some do just want to tick the boxes.
I didn't mention the L word - relax.
And an ability to think out of that fucking box Meloney, is not welcomed by the Ofsted police!
Breathe, breathe, thinking of fluffy rabbits, billowing clouds etc, etc.......
OOh, can I come and play too!
I can't comment on the Irrational Constriction - it makes no sense to me at all - just another of those strange human thingamajigs designed to confuse humanity still further.
I have changed me mind. Give me back the National Fuckupulum for I am covered in egg.
My trusty egg, boiled for six hours in a cunning mix of vinegar and starch and cleverly filled with quick-set concrete, did not win the egg rolling competition. Some little bastard won with an egg made of titanium.
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