Many people think that reading should only be done in bed with the light on. This is not so. The addition of a few reading toys can pep up even the most jaded of readers. Try purchasing a few large, plump cushions and reading on the floor. Try it in the bath with a glass of wine, or experiment in front of the fire, especially with a good horror story. If you are feeling brave, and the weather is clement, you may even find somewhere secluded to express your reading desires in the open air.
Some couples are even daring to try reading together and below is a chart to get you started.
Don't worry if you find some of them hard, or embarrassing at first, reading is all part of the person you are - enjoy it.

Ha! Each word carefully chosen.
My favourite place to read is in the bath. And of course in bed.
" may even find somewhere secluded to express your reading desires in the open air."
Now you're talking. Try it at the foot of hollow tree truck, while ants are crawling down your arm, and you lick them up as a tasty snack when they get onto your fingers.
I don't know about the whole reading outdoors thing. Reading is such an intimate activity. Unless one has an enclosed area on their own property, they may also run afoul of local laws and statutes forbidding active reading in public venues.
I find it best to remain in private when feasting on words (alone or with a partner). Looking forward to trying "The Crab," though.
Great post. Very...gratifying.
A tree truck, Gorilla? Is this akin to a bush lorry, or is this gorilla speak?
Oh MT, get out in the great outdoors, you Americans are so unadventurous. I was also surprised to hear that you admit to doing it alone - many wouldn't!
I like to read perched on the top of the beetroot factory chimney - whilst wearing a diving suit for safety reasons!!
This is wonnnnnnnderful, Minx.
I agree with MT, the Crab looks very interesting...might try it tonight. I do have a good book. ;)
Oh the Pleasure of it all!
Reading alone is a heathy part of an adult life, Minx. Nw who's being unadventurous?
My partner would fall asleep if I read to him. He is not the 'book type'. And he woudl NEVER read to me, so quite honestly, I have no choice but to do it alone.
I'm currently being PAID to read ... What does that make me? (Apart from very lucky ...)
Okay, okay, I admit it. Sometimes I do it on my own and I often do it in the bath. Never up a chimney, but on occasion I have had to do it in front of hundreds of people!
Debi, that just makes you extremly smart - cortigiana onesta (an intelligent courtesan). Heh!
At the moment I am eating some books because I am awaiting rescue from the inside of a giant nappy by two comiclly inclined Firemen! It is not helped by the fact that Paul Weller has become suicidal and Martin Clunes has offered Gile a part in his next sitcom. Jenny is lying on my kitchen work surface naked and serene. I wonder if she is dead!
You know, lots of people read on trains. In public! Imagine!!!
Be careful, Mutley, eating books is dangerous - you will get 'Readers Digest' and start coming out with all sorts of complete tosh.
And yes, Cailleach, I have heard about this reading on trains. Also a dangerous passtime as you have to avoid the scalds from coffee that is the temperature of hell. Minds yer bits!
I like to read several books at the same time.
I usedto read to a former g/f. It was fun and relaxing. Cute graphic - I remember some of those positions :-)
Caroline, that is just greedy. Most of us can only manage one at a time.
Never too old, Sam.
I am, at present, looking at the Karma Sutra of Knitting - interesting concept!
There's a law against reading in America?
Shit, things are worse than I thought................what's next, book burning, the magazine wars, Janet and John infiltrated by the CIA...........?
Obviously, I am completely happy to read just the one book alll the time ....but I do admit to having a look at the occasional shiny cover...................
You can tell a lot about a book from the ink it's printed with..old and musty, perhaps a 1950's penguin classic edition of Breakfast At Tiffany's. Newly pungent - could be Ludmilla's Broken English by D.B.C food, (not including haggis) or wine, books can be a source of sublime sensory enjoyment.
Yes Meloney, very good, but what is your favourite position?
Give me a tropical beach some mild humidity and sunshine and I'm sorted. Bed, bath, fireside and poolside are all equally acceptable. A private treehouse also creates magnificent reading possibilities though I'll pass on the ants as a snack.
As for the postures... the flower will do nicely enabling a blend or reading and yoga... Besides, Chicken Man and I love reading together. Who'd have thought, eh?
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