Saturday, January 13, 2007

Bordering on mental?

I wondered if they, the boffs that is, might ever come up with something that could make you stay awake for weeks on end without any ill effects. Surely some clever dick could come up with a way to write for hours on end without waking up with an imprint of keys on your forehead. I have also wondered if a head could explode from the pressure of words that often builds up within. These strange questions, and others - maybe more bizarre ones, have squeezed into my head since I started writing. I think I was fairly normal before - heh!
Maybe I am just trying to make up time - I have only been writing for about five years and I often kick myself for not getting around to it sooner.
Ah well, I suppose the time is right, the moment is now, but will someone now please tell me how to stop! The need to write is an ever increasing itch and I think I may have a little problem!


Anonymous said...

If it's five years and nothing before, you're embedded as a writer minx!
At least in my mind!
And so quick to publishing!
Many would envy that...
But more importantly, many would like to know how you did it!?!
And do you blame them?

More, more and never "mental"!

Keep on bringing more!


Anonymous said...

Sorry Minx, you've opened the box and woken the dragon. You cannot stop.

Now you must feed it forever.

Marie said...

I have to write as it keeps me sane. If I didn't write my head would explode from too many thoughts!

Unknown said...

This is all entirely normal and the only solution would be a frontal lobotomy or decapitation. My suggestion to you is to just keeping scratching that itch!
Now, when's the next book due out?

Anonymous said...

Read. New ones, old ones, strange ones, true ones.

Music can help, but some music makes it worse.

The above remedies only help you take a rest. Mostly, you should give thanks for the buzz; it's what makes you a writer.

Unknown said...

Minx, none of what you have described sounds like a problem. It's when you sit down to write and the voices in your head go quiet, that's when there is a problem.

concerned citizen said...

No! don't! stop! :)

think of it as exorcising demons.

Unknown said...

Or exorcising cats, eh l>t?

(Great post over on l>t btw - 'God hates cats', but not for those of you who ever thought that a cat might sway your religious convictions.)

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Yes, me too. Making up for lost time & no, the head won't explode.
And the question is...
do you want to stop?

Unknown said...

Well, that's comforting Susan, I've got enough cleaning to deal with anyway.
And no, I don't want to stop at all.This addiction for words is in my blood and I crave a fix every day.

Sam said...

Ah, but what kind of words would come out? The mind needs rest as well as the body. You could come up with the best novel ever or just monkey poop lol

Unknown said...

I am currently drowning in monkey poop!

Caroline said...

Perhaps I could close my mind and get someone to sit on it for a while. Sound like a plan?

Unknown said...

words are addictive. Very addictive. Writing them is also very addictive...

The Moon Topples said...

I can relate to the late start syndrome. I only started writing for real about six months ago after a fourteen year hiatus. I keep wondering what I could have accomplished with those fourteen years.

But all we can do is move forward.

Unknown said...

I don't consider it a late start MT, it just happened when it did. I think we all come to it when the time is right. I just wonder what would have happened.

And Caroline, if someone sitting on yer head is your thing, then go with it!

Saaleha said...

When the itch becomes unbearable, I stop all writing and drown in other people's words. But then when I get back, it's only to find that the itch is now worse than ever. But it's always a relief to know that I have co - sufferers. A Writers Anonymous of sorts.

Debi said...

The hardest thing is for the fingers to keep up with the brain. I can't tell you how many times I've come up with a fantastic development on my WIP while doing something completely different.

'Yes, yes, yes,' I think. 'That's it of course!'
Then I get distracted, have failed to jot down a note somewhere ... and it's ... gone!

D'you reckon there's a planet for lost plotlines? Is it the same as the one for lost blog comments?

briliantdonkey said...

I know exZACHARY what you mean. I just started about a year ago myself after simply 'thinking' about it for a few years before that. Thinking about ideas is fairly easy for me. Hell it is hard to STOP thinking about them especially when I am some where that I can't do a thing about it. The hardest part is transferring the thoughts from my brain down to my fingers. Something seems to get lost in translation along the way.


Unknown said...

I have resorted to scribbling key words on me hands. The only problem then is trying to decipher them when I eventually catch up with a piece of paper!

Buntifer Green said...

modafarin is a drug th us military are trying at the moment to keep people awake and at 100% capacity without the effects of stimulants. Apparently one is able to stay awake for up to 72 hours on end and catch up for each missed eight hours with 2 at the end without ill effect.

Unknown said...

Sounds good to me - where do I get it!!!!!