Lately I have become very unfriendly with the computer at work. It would be fair to say that I am beginning to loathe it. In my last post, I was used to bashing out regular reports and the odd letter, happily returning home at the end of the day to discover more words on my laptop at home.
This new computer that comes with the job, is the devil incarnate. It works on the principle of numbers you see, a concept that is both alien and unatural. Gone are the days of 'hands on' work with real, live, small people, replaced with a constant need to count heads and tot up monies owing.
"Just put the little numbers in the little boxes" a helpful colleague said this morning.
"I would the put little numbers in the little boxes if I could decide which fuckers to use" I muttered as she walked off.
I've been at it for three weeks now. Is that time enough to decide that I don't like this 'hands off' job, or should I be thinking about my nice fat pay packet at the end of the month - I don't have any problem with those numbers! So maybe I should just stop mourning the exhausting hours working with children and start enjoying my new found extra hours for writing - even if it does mean wanting to drive nails through my skull when the numbers don't add up.

"Don't you just love computers", I enquired, with a devious grin encompassing my face.
Seriously, I feel your pain. I do part-time IT support for a small company, which usually means that I’m fixing computers or instructing employees on how to use them. :)
That is a seriously ghastly cartoon. Bloody awful. But my computer has been ever so faithful for ever so long that I cannot imagine having a less that fulfilling relationship with one ;)
It's the numbers, the numbers! I am an artiste!!!
I sympathise with you minx. How dare those little numbers steal your brain like that - you are indeed an artiste. The day is coming, the days of the numbers are numbered.
Let things settle, Minx.
Too early to decide.
Susan's right, I usually wait three months before I decide that I really, truly, madly, deeply hate the job!
That is a cartoon and a half too!
I do sympathise Minx. I hate numbers!
Give it time. As you say, at least it gives you more time for writing.
But if that cartoon is any indication of what this job is doing to you ... ehm... maybe being poor and having lots of time to write may be better. That cartoon is scary biscuits!
No V, that was me trying to only use 50 words for yer challenge. That was seriously scary biscuits.
Writers and numbers do definitely not go together - tho' I'm told, and I don't believe it for one minute, I refuse to - that numbers lie at the base of all creativity - what a ghastly thought. Minx, I'm with you - numbers must GO! Words are so much more friendly - we-ell, most of the time.
You have fallen into the latest subversive capitilist plot mon minx. There are no numbers, yjrtr never were any numbers, they don't exist!
It's like the matrix, all you have to do is believe and they will go away......................
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