...the Minx has been setting up a new school. It is going to be called:
'The Minx School for budding Agents and Publishers'.
If you are interested in sending your offspring to this exclusive establishment then please read the following prospectus.
The school, established in 2006, will take all genre of children with a special interest in Young Males, Chicks and Fantasy children.
The school, on acceptance, will take over all rights to your children and contact will be limited to a once yearly inquiry that we will have no intention of answering.
The Minx (already a legend in her own lifetime) has a reputation of complete and utter professionalism and will ensure that all submitted children will be looked at, studied and sent home again at the appropriate time.
Please remember that all applications must contain a brief synopsis of the child and an account of their family history. The Minx points out that at this stage a bodily part would be useful in her decision.
The submission of children by email or disk (the backdoor method), will not be considered.
Once through the acceptance phase parents must realise that their children will be isolated until further notice and left to gather dust in the caretakers room in the bowels of the school.
Reports will be sent out if, and when, it is deemed neccessary and will take the form of a smaller than average postcard that will be signed by Mrs Qwerty who is not employed by the school.
We hope that you will consider this school for your offspring and have every faith that the Minx will turn out well rounded students to join the beautiful and wonderful world of Agents and Publishers!
Oh yes, I know all about THAT back door. Have been taking the courage pills for a couple of weeks and I think that they may be starting to kick in - who knows?
My prospectus is unfortunately not very original and is modelled on a number of top schools for A's and P's.
Two tall,thin females, one vegetarian. Both suitably soaked in Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Narnia and their ilk. Both have at least two blogs. One potential poet, one imaginitive -- stories, games.
Any chance?
You would let your babies into this school Maxine - shame on you!
Hysterical. Can I bill you for one keyboard, now ruined by my morning coffee?
Do some more satire, you've clearly got a real gift!
Yes minx - let the mad horses of your sarcastic wit loose . . .
The neddies of doom are currently on their way to spend the day on the beach - monsoon has finished and Cornwall has taken its shoes off - finally!
And Lee, no you can't bill me - you read it, take the consequences!!
That's great Minx! I agree - you should do more.
Well my babies would bring their writing equipment with them, of course. And I would let them return to me when they had achieved some success!
I'll swap my two hairy hormonal's for your two lovely girls over the summer.The beach party season has started and I'm going to have to cope with the 'morning bodies' lying all over the house!!
Hmmm --- hairy hormonals. Maybe I'll enrol too.
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