......for Debi
Just a tiny offering to say well done to turning your back on the daily slog. Can't produce anything bigger because OFSTED starts tomorrow and I'm busy thinking up ways to convince the Education Mafia that my glib attitude to the National Curriculum has only served to make the children better, more rounded individuals!!
Have supplied myself with a large bar of chocolate (nothing new there then) and a tub of vaseline to make smiling easier. No doubt the kids will let me down in some horribly evil fashion but come Friday when it's all over..........
We had ofsted recently, don't worry about it, you'll be fine! The picture is so cute!
Thank you Cathy, I'm just on my way to work now. I can only be who I am supposed to be and I don't fit into boxes very well. OFSTED like boxes..oh dear!
Have you written any more poetry?
Ooooh scrummy! Thanks, Minx! I will of course be sharing the cake with G and the boys. In fact we'll probably make it last several weeks as we're unlikely to be able to afford anything else to eat for some time!
Good luck with the Ofsted nightmare. It's infuriating that so much precious energy has to be spent on preparing for the box-filling - Ofsted, SATs etc - everyone has to be slotted into their nice neat compartments.
And there we all were thinking education should be about helping children to reach their potential as individuals ... Silly us.
But ... Vaseline???
I'll have to watch out what I suggest you do in future! It is so cute.
Cathy has written another poem last week, she posted it last night (or was it the night before) so you may have seen it. I like it, it is about a warrior.
Looking forward to reading more from you, when it lets up a bit.
fzuoboj says spellcheck -- which I misread as "fuzzyjob" (quite appropriate for an ofstead week?) so will probably now have to start again!
Debi - the vaseline helps lips slide back over the teeth making it less likely to suffer oral cramping ( a problem sometimes!). Also useful for lubing the boxes that I don't fit into!
Maxine - 'fuzzyjob' sounds vaguely rude - I shall adopt!
OFSTED sucks!
Good luck with the OFSTED, Office For Stressing Teachers into Early Death. That's what it stands for isn't it?
Aw! -pity the poor teachers . .
Get back to your poverty stricken attic you, and stop with the sarcasm or I shall be sending the 'evidence sheets' around to your place pronto!
Hey Skint you should pity the poor teachers, cos poor is the operative word there, but they are rich in so many other ways.
Love you V!!
I had some brilliant teachers in the primary school but after that :(
(or maybe it was me?)
Probably you, but it has to be said that the shining lights of education are based in the early years.
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