I thought I was droink but now I'm not so sure. Not sure I should be in here but evryone else is asleep so I thought I'd write a post with no subject and see what happens.. Hah!
Oh yes I was gong to talk about drunk, oh look up there it's droink, that's better. Oh fuckj.
maybe this is bad idea diazapam and chardonnay, after a very scientific experiment don't mix, no they don't.
Oh no, not depression, I can hear you you know, wtf was that 'you you' business, no not depressed .I've got a virus in my shoulder- that makes sense then, you stupid twat.
The witch doctor, him give me diazapam to relax shoulder, and I am relaxed....all over, so relaxed that i've just fallen up steps and giddled on the dorrstep for twenty minutes.
Got pissed on account of being an exemplary practice during ofsted, should that be carpitals? Yes numpty.
am not longer an exemplary of anything (ho jesus the italians have invaded).
Yess, got pissed and whipped the awful cow with my acid tongue but after a boat race with baileys, my legs lost the will to live so I come home.
I 'm thinking about sausages which is stranger than starange cos I really don't eat meat. Well none from the kebab shop anyway because you never know whats in them do you. What kind of animal comes in a roll anyway - there's probably some wag out there that will tell me the answer to this problem but I'm off for a sausage now and will reap the rewards of my drug ccktail in the morning. Love evry single one of you utterluy and completely.
LOL :) uender thiat fiog off alcopohol aind drueges yeoure loight ssittill shinies
congrats on the offhead thing
Oh dear, was just debating whether to delete this or not.
Maybe I'll just leave it up as a reminder of disgraceful behaviour. I'm not sure Skint that I want my light to shine like this!!
Still, it was a good night, I think I danced!
delete away if you want, I won't tell anyone, but I think you should leave it - it's funny
I think sometimes that I can only do 'funny' but I am having a stab at your competition and it's all very serious!
I am confused as to where it goes though - addled brain can't decipher email address. Thicky!!
story at skintwriter dot com
replace at with @, replace dot with . and take out the spaces
don't know if it's effective but it's supposed to protect against spambots who harvest e-mail addresses from web sites
btw, there's nothing wrong with funny short stories -
See, thicky, I knew that!! Still diazapammed obviously!
Oh dear, Minx. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
Still, it's fun while it lasts, isn't it!
Blimey, look at all the shenannigans that goes on when I snatch a rare evening off to watch a movie. I'd better not do it again in a hurry -- or maybe I will and will have the blog police patrol your site to be sure of no gloopy postings!
Yes, and I'm fine, thank you all for asking. Next time you lot inadvertently poison yourself with prescription drugs I shall just carry on as if nothing has happened!!
What did you watch Maxine?
Just been over so I know! Kept busy today writing short story for the Welsh miser, don't know why I bothered - a fiver, poot! Also had to buy new mascara so eyes remain visible and made the best paella that the world has ever seen (or tasted).
You're a fine writer, Minx, and this is my favorite piece! It's pure joy!
Oh dear, what does this say about me?
Glad you went over to have a look at what I watched because I haven't a clue, my brain cells only last about 2 mins (don't read that Sian)
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